Triunfo, founded in 1999 and headquarted in the city of São Paulo, is one of the main Brazilian companies in the infrastructure sector, considered a pioneer company for its performance in the segments of road concession, airport and port terminal administration, and energy. Such businesses are fundamental to support the national economic growth, helping to meet the Brazilian logistics and energy demands.
The company has circa four thousand direct employees and its current businesses are located in six federative units, in the following regions: Southeast (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais) and Midwest (Goiás and Brasília – Federal District). The company’s headquarters are in the city of São Paulo (SP).
A publicly held company, Triunfo is listed as TPIS3 on the Novo Mercado segment of B3 stock exchange (Brazil, Bolsa, Balcão), the highest level of corporate governance, and holds full or relevant participation in the businesses in which it operates, as shown below:
Triunfo focuses its strategy in the search for business driven by the advancement and improvement of the national infrastructure, always aiming to diversify its portfolio with well-structured projects that generate value to its shareholders.