Triunfo Participações e Investimentos and its companies value the strengthening of its ethical, transparent and reputable stance. Therefore, they have implemented a solid Integrity Program that encompasses key actions, such as the reformulation of the Code of Conduct, the drafting of the Triunfo’s Anticorruption Policy, besides the creation of the Confidential Hotline and the Triunfo’s Integrity Committee, responsible for managing all issues related to the topic.
Since 2018, it has the support of a team fully dedicated to Compliance activities. This area is primarily responsible for the prevention, detection and remediation of acts contrary to the laws, values and policies of the company, defending a healthy work environment that fosters honesty, mutual respect and moral integrity – everything that is recommended in the Code of Conduct and other policies of the company.
The Triunfo’s Code of Conduct has been updated and aims to promote an alignment of the behavior and attitudes of professionals and other persons related to the company. It is an effective means of ethical integration among people, companies and society.
The document present subjects such as:
Click here to access the Triunfo’s Code of Conduct.
The operations of Triunfo Participações e Investimentos and its respective companies have the legislation compliance as a premise.
The Anticorruption Policy provides guidelines to be followed by all professionals and persons who act or do business on behalf of Triunfo’s companies or who provide them services of any kind, such as representatives, suppliers, business partners and consultants.
It also presents definitions, types and forms of corruption, with information on the relationship with the public sector, expected behavior in tendering, bidding, or hiring of professionals, among other information.
Click here to access the Triunfo’s Anti-Corruption Policy.
Any person who witnesses practices or acts that violate the Triunfo’s Code of Conduct or the Triunfo’s Anticorruption Policy may report the fact. The information will be received and managed by an outside company, specialized in the matter.
After a first review, the report will be sent to the Triunfo’s Integrity Committee. To communicate the report, another important tool set up by the company must be used: the Confidential Hotline. It offers two means for contact: via the web, at, or by phone, at the number 0800 517-1325.
A complaint may be made by any one of Triunfo’s stakeholders – such as users, suppliers, or persons from public agencies.